
Showing posts from November, 2018

Sense perception reflection- Nov. 11

Sense perception reflection a) senses: -Taste: I focused on my sense of taste by trying out mindful eating a few times. The texture and taste somehow tend to alter when you focus on taste rather than eating in auto-pilot mode. The taste doesn't always alter for everyone; however, the different textures and smells of foods make the taste different since you're focusing on them. -Smell: I discovered that there is a lot of smells that people tend to ignore and not notice, especially in public and social situations. Smell is something that physically cant't be ignored but the mind tends to get used to it often, so it can be easily forgotten about. Malls especially i found to have many different smells. -Sight: Sight is something most of us have and it is what helps us live our lives. however, what i have noticed by focusing on sight is that people tend to only focus on what is directly in front of them rather than exploring their surroundings from different viewp


First order KQs ask direct questions about the world. They generally ask “What do we know” and are linked to a specific subject within an area of knowledge. Second order KQs ask questions about the process of finding out about knowledge. They generally ask “How do we know” and can be applied to an area of knowledge. write two first order and two second order KQ: First order: 1- Are historical games one of the most successful contemporary forms of popular historical media? 2- Do historical games easily communicate visual information about historical environments and artefacts? Second order: 1- How is our perception of history affected by video games? 2- To what extent does culture alter our perception of video games? Teacher 2nd order KQ: 1- Does a ‘dialogue between academic history and video games’ help us engage with the past? 2- What role does imaginatio