
Showing posts from September, 2018

History as an AOK

History as an AOK In my own definition, history is the study of documentations from past phenomenons. Which four WOKs do you think History uses the most? Language- i think language shapes culture which is needed to understand history. Memory- history is documented from the memory of someone/group of people. Reason- most phenomenons occur for a reason, to understand history you must understand the reason behind it. Faith- faith is needed to believe in phenomenons that seem fake or unreal in our generation. Are there any WOKs History does not use? Intuition- since history is the past, your intuition can't help you know if the phenomenon is real or not. Sense perception- since history is the past, your senses can't help you know if the phenomenon is real or not. Emotion- history is based on facts and evidence where emotions are not involved.

Personal knowledge to shared knowledge


TOK first written assignment

Farah Amayreh TOK WRITING ASSIGNMENT (Be succinct, but explain yourself carefully… Explore: I want to read your thoughts not some, closed definitive response… Contradictions may emerge. If they do I want to read about them 1. Imagine that you have sole responsibility to teach a coordinated five-year-old to ride a bicycle for the first time, without training wheels, in a twenty-minute window of time. Briefly, what would you say? What would you do? [4 points] 2. Would the following advice help you at all in your attempt to teach the child to balance? Give reasons. "For a given angle of unbalance, the curvature of each winding is inverse y proportional to the square of the speed…" [4 points] The first thing i’m going to tell them to wear a helmet because safety is the most important thing. Then i’m going to tell the kid to to paddle with a steady pace in a straight line. I am then going to tell them to just set themselves free and explore the world. They shouldn't