History as an AOK

History as an AOK
  • In my own definition, history is the study of documentations from past phenomenons.
  • Which four WOKs do you think History uses the most?
    • Language- i think language shapes culture which is needed to understand history.
    • Memory- history is documented from the memory of someone/group of people.
    • Reason- most phenomenons occur for a reason, to understand history you must understand the reason behind it.
    • Faith- faith is needed to believe in phenomenons that seem fake or unreal in our generation.
  • Are there any WOKs History does not use?
    • Intuition- since history is the past, your intuition can't help you know if the phenomenon is real or not.
    • Sense perception- since history is the past, your senses can't help you know if the phenomenon is real or not.
    • Emotion- history is based on facts and evidence where emotions are not involved.


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