
Showing posts from January, 2019
13 Reasons Why TOK- Second order knowledge claim- To what extent do ethics change our perception of the show's meaning? Areas of knowledge- Ethics and history Knowledge question- To what extent do morals come in play when portraying serious issues on mass media?

Political Art

 Political Art Yellow: Knowledge claim  Orange: Counterclaim Green: Knowledge question  In my person viewpoint, i do not believe that artists have a moral responsibility to act as a voice for indivisuals or communities to communicate with the wider world; or, for groups and campaigns to spread a message . Artists create their art for different purposes; so, if their artwork was not meant to have a deeper message for the wider world, that is not wrong and they should not be held accountable for not being morally responsible. There is subjective art and objective art however i do not believe all art should fall under a political and subjective category as some art is simply made to be enjoyed.  Banksy however did create political art and his aim for each artwork was clear. However, i still don't find that he had to create art like that only to be morally responsible. Not all artists aim to communicate issues that happen in this world. Some artists are artists becaus