
Is astrology a pseudoscience?

Is astrology a pseudoscience? Astrology is a pseudoscience because it claims to be using facts, such as the movement of the planets, to predict human behavior, but in reality there is no factual evidence that supports the idea that the position of the stars and planets affects or predicts how humans behave or their personality traits. If you have ever read your horoscope you can see that this is the case. If astrology were a true science then your horoscope would be fairly accurate all the time, and it would likely be more specific, as well as being the same across all horoscope sites. Instead, your horoscope is different depending on where you look, and it is vague and only somewhat accurate. Astrology is a belief system that looks at planets and stars and their movements and claims to see patterns in human behavior based on these, but there is not enough hard fact or observational work behind it for it to be a true science.

Real bodies controversy Knowledge question: to what extent does the history of the people in the museum influence ethics. Knowledge claim: ethical concerns were raised about the bodies in the museum. knowledge questions: what kind of truths are the arts capable of expressing? To what extent are the insights available from the appreciation of a work of art dependent upon the intentions of an artist? What could be meant by artistic truth? what might be meant by a lie in the context of an artwork to what extend are the limits of art defined by morality?
13 Reasons Why TOK- Second order knowledge claim- To what extent do ethics change our perception of the show's meaning? Areas of knowledge- Ethics and history Knowledge question- To what extent do morals come in play when portraying serious issues on mass media?

Political Art

 Political Art Yellow: Knowledge claim  Orange: Counterclaim Green: Knowledge question  In my person viewpoint, i do not believe that artists have a moral responsibility to act as a voice for indivisuals or communities to communicate with the wider world; or, for groups and campaigns to spread a message . Artists create their art for different purposes; so, if their artwork was not meant to have a deeper message for the wider world, that is not wrong and they should not be held accountable for not being morally responsible. There is subjective art and objective art however i do not believe all art should fall under a political and subjective category as some art is simply made to be enjoyed.  Banksy however did create political art and his aim for each artwork was clear. However, i still don't find that he had to create art like that only to be morally responsible. Not all artists aim to communicate issues that happen in this world. Some artists are artists becaus

Sense perception reflection- Nov. 11

Sense perception reflection a) senses: -Taste: I focused on my sense of taste by trying out mindful eating a few times. The texture and taste somehow tend to alter when you focus on taste rather than eating in auto-pilot mode. The taste doesn't always alter for everyone; however, the different textures and smells of foods make the taste different since you're focusing on them. -Smell: I discovered that there is a lot of smells that people tend to ignore and not notice, especially in public and social situations. Smell is something that physically cant't be ignored but the mind tends to get used to it often, so it can be easily forgotten about. Malls especially i found to have many different smells. -Sight: Sight is something most of us have and it is what helps us live our lives. however, what i have noticed by focusing on sight is that people tend to only focus on what is directly in front of them rather than exploring their surroundings from different viewp


First order KQs ask direct questions about the world. They generally ask “What do we know” and are linked to a specific subject within an area of knowledge. Second order KQs ask questions about the process of finding out about knowledge. They generally ask “How do we know” and can be applied to an area of knowledge. write two first order and two second order KQ: First order: 1- Are historical games one of the most successful contemporary forms of popular historical media? 2- Do historical games easily communicate visual information about historical environments and artefacts? Second order: 1- How is our perception of history affected by video games? 2- To what extent does culture alter our perception of video games? Teacher 2nd order KQ: 1- Does a ‘dialogue between academic history and video games’ help us engage with the past? 2- What role does imaginatio

History as an AOK

History as an AOK In my own definition, history is the study of documentations from past phenomenons. Which four WOKs do you think History uses the most? Language- i think language shapes culture which is needed to understand history. Memory- history is documented from the memory of someone/group of people. Reason- most phenomenons occur for a reason, to understand history you must understand the reason behind it. Faith- faith is needed to believe in phenomenons that seem fake or unreal in our generation. Are there any WOKs History does not use? Intuition- since history is the past, your intuition can't help you know if the phenomenon is real or not. Sense perception- since history is the past, your senses can't help you know if the phenomenon is real or not. Emotion- history is based on facts and evidence where emotions are not involved.